Medicating sick guppy


New Member
May 29, 2003
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st. Louis
I bought some fin rot and body fugus med(two in one) for a sick guppy who I feel to have body fugus and her pretty tail is rotting quite rapidly. She's the only one sick, will putting drops in the tank for her affect everyone else (who are fine) negatively?

The directions also say to remove carbon but to continue any filtration! What does that mean? :crazy:

Please help guys!!!!

ps. she's also pregnant and not moving much. She can be found floating at the top not moving and resting on the bottom not moving. her body color has changed from pearlish grey to dark dark grey (with exception to white belly) and her eyes are totally black.
what is the ammonia and nitrites readings also what is the ph to if she is not moving around much she is getting ready to have her fry. Do you have a seprate tank to put her in? What kind of filter systom do you have? the carbon filter removes the medicine and anything else that is in your water.How long has your tank be up and running. The tail rot could be due to high ammonia. answer a few of these questions so I can help you out a little better.
i have a small 0.5 gallon tank and i medicated my fish there, trust me cause i made a terible mistake the first time and the whole tank got clody all of a sudden and i had to do a full water change and there were algae all over the tank including filter! I repeat: DO NOT PUT ANY KIND OF MEDICATION IN MAIN TANK, DO IT AT UR OWN RISK!!!!! TRUST ME!

I would have to disagree with kevin007 (sorry kev) for some illnesses, internal parasites for example, it is best to quarintine the fish for medicating, but for other illnesses such as Ick you should always medicate the whole tank because if one fish is infected then chances are the whole tank is affected and it will keep occurring until dealt with properly. And yes some medications will cloud up your water, but after the medication cycle is finished the water will clear up again.
If you check through a few of the other postings there are some excellent links to fish disease discriptions and recomended treatments.
As FKS&M mentions, if you could supply a little more info as to the tank specs and water parameters someone here should be able to give you a good idea as to the cause of the finrot and suggest a good course of action to fix up your little guppy girl :D


medicating can be dangerouse to the fish if not done right. make shure you read the instructions carefully and be shure that it is thease diseases. it should not harm the healthy fish more than the disease would.
I would check the water ammonnia, nitrite, nitrates coz it sounds like a water quality problem. I have known to wonder why my fish get sick then i check the water and hey presto i got an unexpected ammonnia spike.
some medications won't clear up.......
and even when the medication clear up, it may take months and months.....
oh well do what u like, i'm just warning ya.
just think about it, why do other fish have to dring the medicine in the water if they don't have and kind of desease? just my suggestion.......
would u drink medicine if u r not sick?

ok B) i suppose it will protect the other fish from fin rot and there made only to effect the sick fish so ur safe :thumbs:
Thanks for the help guys!

Oh, I'm such a naughty aquarist :*) as I don't know the levels of anything!
All I know is that the water is crystal clear and the other fishies are fine!

I have a 30gallon devoted to LIVEBEARERs only!!! Woo hoo!! Okay, sorry :wub:

Um, I did put her in a seperate tank w med, she seems to be doing fine!

Oh, just so you know, I do siphon the debris about once a week w 25% water change and the water stays at about 75 degrees. But, like I said earlier, everything seems to be o key doe key :lol: .

I had a bad case of popeye and fin rot at the same time a while back. I lost one mollie and was close on a coupleof others. I used maracyn two and it cleared up the problems very quickly. I treated the entire tank, which was costly, and am glad I did! Durin day two of treatment, one of the ones that had had no signs of the problems showed a showed a few signs but it cleared as the meds were there. What I am trying to say, so clumsily :crazy: , is that I would have had to anyway as they were all infected but not showing signs.

When using Maracyn and some other meds your water will get very cloudy and "thick" looking. THe bubbles on top of the water seem more like plastic than water but this is normal.

What the directions mean is to remove any carbon from your filter but continue running it. It is extreemly important to keep the Oxygen levels up during treatment. I would also recomend adding a bubble stone or 2 depending on the size of your tank.

Had you added any new fish or ornaments of any kind to the tank in the previous week or two?
Jones, you really need to get a test kit. They have several out there. I do not recomend the strips. At first it may seem hard to figure out but after you've done it once or twice, (tested the parameters), it will be a breeze. Unfortunately, clear water does not mean good water.

Do you have any live plants?

Keep an eye on the rest that were not treated just to make sure they dont develope signs. Sometimes the signs show slowly and sometimes the fish go from normal looking to almost dead in no time.

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