medicating plecos


New Member
Aug 24, 2022
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i've been having a problem with my swordtails dying off, and the best guess is that they have an internal parasite or something along those lines. i tried API general cure, which didn't work. i've been advised to medicate the food and feed that for a week, which i'm doing for my last remaining swordtail, but i'm not hopeful for him.

the only other fish in my tank are 2 bristlenose plecos and i'm thinking that feeding the medicated flakes won't help them. so i am wondering how to do so, or if i even really need to worry about them since they have never shown any signs of problems.

part of my concern is that i plan to restock my tank with new fish once the last swordtail dies (like i said, not optimistic) and want to make sure i do everything i should to make sure whatever i add doesn't get the parasites. i assume the plecos would be infected too, even if they are so far not showing any signs. so what should i do to keep future fish healthy when i add them?
Normally internal parasites will manifest in one of several ways. One is it will produce long stingy white poops. Otherwise, it will either be wasting away despite eating or else, because it is blocked, it becomes swollen. Do you see any of these conditions? I am just wondering how you determined that the fish had internal parasites.
Normally internal parasites will manifest in one of several ways. One is it will produce long stingy white poops. Otherwise, it will either be wasting away despite eating or else, because it is blocked, it becomes swollen. Do you see any of these conditions? I am just wondering how you determined that the fish had internal parasites.
wasting away. every 2-4 weeks or so one swordtail would get skinny, then lethargic, and die within about a week. no other outward indicators.

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