Medicate In Small Hosp Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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Tank size: 20 gal
pH: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
tank temp: 78

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
hiding, clamped, loss of fins, not eating, bloated. Suspect he picked up parasites from my recently lost betta sorority. I treated my tank twice w/Maracyn and was unable to save the bettas. Now my platy is really sick-he's been hanging on for almost 2 weeks. How can I medicate him if I move him to a hospital tank set up? It's only a 1.5 gallon w/heat/filter and small light. All meds are cut for 10-20 gallon tanks and are so hard, they can't even be cut into small pieces. Thx.
Maracyn a bacterial med not parasite med.
What parasite do you think the fish might have had.
Maracyn a bacterial med not parasite med.
What parasite do you think the fish might have had.

Hi, Wilder, how are you? My 4 little betta girls started to die on me a few weeks after I added them to my tank. One seemed very healthy and died overnight, so I'm not sure if the other one killed her. The other three developed huge basketball sized stomachs, started hiding, then died. The last one of the three took the longest to die - lost all her color, and then developed dropsy. I know dropsy is a symptom of a disease, right? I thought I read that their symptoms indicated internal parasites. I also noticed long white stringy pooh.
Have you treated the tank for internal parasites.
Yes bloating and stringy poo can be parasites, but also bacterial, so its not easy at times.
If you are still losing fish I think I would treat for internal parasites.
Have you treated the tank for internal parasites.
Yes bloating and stringy poo can be parasites, but also bacterial, so its not easy at times.
If you are still losing fish I think I would treat for internal parasites.

Ok, I treated tank w/Maracyn, since my platy that I've had forever is developing the same symptoms. So what do you suggest? I have Triple Sulfa, Furan-2, Jungle Fungus, Maracyn 2 and Coppersafe.
Is your location canada as a member from the same country was able to get hold of that med in the link.

Looked the meds up there mainly bacterial meds, except the copper safe which is for external parasites.

There a list her of united states meds, make sure the med can be used for internal parasites.
Is your location canada as a member from the same country was able to get hold of that med in the link.

Looked the meds up there mainly bacterial meds, except the copper safe which is for external parasites.

There a list her of united states meds, make sure the med can be used for internal parasites.

Wow, thanks. Figures, all that medication and not the right one. I guess I thought that internal parasites was a bacterial infection. I'm in USA. Is that were your medication is from?
Yes the list is the united states one.
Good Luck.
Yes the list is the united states one.
Good Luck.

I scanned through the list and found some for Protozoal and ectoparasites. Are either of those what I need? Not sure what they are.
I would try and get hold of this med.
Ultra Cure PX by Gel-tek
Takes care of intestinal worms, flagellates and a number of other unwelcome internal guests. Safe for both freshwater and saltwater.
I would try and get hold of this med.
Ultra Cure PX by Gel-tek
Takes care of intestinal worms, flagellates and a number of other unwelcome internal guests. Safe for both freshwater and saltwater.

Wilder, that is a medication that you have to feed the fish, right? I haven't had much luck with food meds. He won't eat, so how do I get him to take it? Have you ever tried Parasite Clear by Jungle? It treats internal parasites.
BTW, thx for the meds post. Really really helpful!
No never used the meds as i'm in the uk.
I would try the parasite clear by jungle then.

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