Med Combos


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Columbus, OH
My Betta has had fin rot for a while. Last week I treated him with Tetracycline, and added a few doses of Melafix, too. I noticed last night that my Mystery Snail has a clear, whitish substance floating along its shell. I used ParaGard, since it does Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, and parasite control. I'm not sure if it's fungus or not, but treated it with that just to be safe. The ParaGard is supposed to treat Finrot, too, but I just don't have much faith in it. Would it be safe to treat with the Melafix, too?
So it's the snail you are treating, can't use parasite meds with snails it will kill them.
I would ask in the inverts section, good luck.
Hmmm......well I already treated with the Paragard twice now while waiting for a response, and the snail is still doing ok. Also, my Shrimp did fine with it when I used it in my other tank. I just don't know if it's ok to treat with Melafix too.
I would find out what the stuff is on the snail before you add meds.
I think I would remove the snail to you find out what it is.

Snails- Many kinds of snails perform a useful function in the aquarium as they eat algae. Most snails feed on rotting vegetation, and leftover food. There are some disadvantages to snails; The Wandering Snail produces a poisonous substance that may cause convulsions in fish. The snail also has an appetite for fish spawn. You should remove them from tanks in which you are using for breeding fish. There are different types of medications available to rid your tank of snails if you should decide to do so! Goldfish will sometimes make a meal out of a snail by sucking it from its shell!
Ummm, no. I bought this snail on purpose, specifically for my Betta tank to help control algae (when it starts to form). Why on Earth would I want to then turn around and buy something to kill it? I want this snail.

I still have no clue as to what that white film is over it's shell. Guess I'll just wait and see what happens. I'm tired of medicating.
Don't mean kill it just issolate it, as the white coating on the smail could be toxic to the fish.
Good luck.

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