Measuring Interest


Fish Herder
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Hiya! I have lots of Krib fry that are about 3 weeks old just now so they won't be ready to sell for a while but I'm just interested to see how many people would be interested if they were for sale just now. This will just give me an idea as to how many boxes, heat packs etc. I will need to buy in.
As I said this is for measuring interest only, they are not currently for sale.

Livestock: Kribensis Fry Pelvicachromis Pulcher
Quantity at the moment: 75ish but may not be that many when I come to sell due to natural causes :/
Reason for Sale: Can't keep them all in my little tank!
Delivery or Collection: I would prefer collection but will post if I have to.
Sales price: £1 each
Postage & Packaging: Around about £10 - I will work it out properly when I come to sell.
Location: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Photograph: (Parents with fry)

Please leave a comment if you would be interested to give me ideas of numbers. Please also state how many you would buy :)


congratulations man!

i would be interested, but im mainly after a pair =/ but ill see :)
I would probably be interested in few, at least 1 but possibly up to 6. Depends what size they are when they are for sale, and what tanks I have free :).

Beautiful fish btw.
Thanks for the quick responses folks :D
I am in Lesmahagow if you know where that is?

Edit: I can't spell lol - just fixed it :lol:
Would it be possible to meet at all, even in Motherwell or something? He'd take more than the one pair for that trouble if needed :)
Just that we're in Banknock so it's about 31 miles from here to you :good:
can the babies pair as they get older? surely that insest? im not being rude, so please forgive me!
Yes they would pair so technically that would be insest however it seems to be a common thing in the fish world. I don't support it as my pair were from the same lfs but from different breeders.
It shouldn't be a problem to meet you in Motherwell or somewhere but the fry won't be ready to be transported for a month or two :/ If you would still be interested then it's no bother :D
Yup, that's fine - not ready for them yet anyway - gives him time to get things set up from them.

The breeding thing, very common. As long as you don't inbreed too far i.e a few generations won't present much problems, but once it gets further down the line you could run into problems.
I know they do brother-sister inbreeding a lot with bettas so I gathered it would probably be the same with these guys :) If you want more pictures of the parents or fry then I'll pm you as I've got loads! I'm constantly trying to get good shots :rolleyes:
The female parent died a couple of weeks ago but I have pictures of her - she was very pretty with lots of yellow on her face. You can't really see in the top pic though :/

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