Measurable Ammonia In Freshwater Tank


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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My fish had ick and I treated the tank, now the ammonia is measurable. I did a 25% water change last night and I'll do another tonight. Is there any product that will reduce ammonia, or should I do a larger water change tonight?
is the tank cycled? has it been set up for a while?

what medication did you use? if it's antibacterial and the tank is either just cycled or cycling then it could have killed off some/all of the bacteria colony causing a mini cycle. you can get products like ammo-lock that are supposed to get rid of ammonia but i've not used them myself. Personally I'd just stick to water changes, 30% a day every day until it's done.

do you know if the ammonia was there before adding the medication?
is the tank cycled? has it been set up for a while?

what medication did you use? if it's antibacterial and the tank is either just cycled or cycling then it could have killed off some/all of the bacteria colony causing a mini cycle. you can get products like ammo-lock that are supposed to get rid of ammonia but i've not used them myself. Personally I'd just stick to water changes, 30% a day every day until it's done.

do you know if the ammonia was there before adding the medication?

The tank has been set up for about 5 weeks, I used the filter from my established tank and some of the water as well as some decor.

I used the fungus clear tablets that dye the water blue, this med also works for bacterial infections. We got the tablets at Walmart because it's the only place that's not 45 min away from my house and It was at night when I noticed the white spots on the fish.
There was no ammonia there before the treatment, I measure the ammonia, ph, nitrates and nitrites at least ever 3 days because the tank is new.
i'm not familiar with that medication (i'm in the UK) but I think my first instinct was correct. daily water changes and keep checking the ammonia and nitrite, keep up the changes until they both go down to 0.

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