

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
I have 2 male platies ( Ithink that's really all I can put in 10 gallon tank) any way, one of them, is quite aggressive, he always is biting at the other, and not just every once in a while, he has chewed up his fins a little, and whenever he comes to eat, the other fish chases him away, ( he is a lot chubbier than the poor antagonized fish) anyone know what I can do?R
Thanks a bunch :nod:
Provide lots of plants and rocks for territories and hiding spots. If you have somwhere to put the more aggressive one, I would take the aggressive one out, move all the decor and stuff around. Then after a couple of hours, put the aggressive male back in. This will give the least aggressive the chance to claim it's territory.
What it is is the aggresive one wants all the females in the tank (even when there isn't any) and the other one is being told to go away. It would be best to keep the more aggresive as he is boss of the tank. I had the same problem with my Swords and took back the weaker male and it all settled down.
I would take the weaker male platty back and get two females. That way the aggressive one will settle down and pay attention to the girls. Having at least two females will keep either of them from being too harassed. Hope this helps.
Naomi said:
I would take the weaker male platty back and get two females. That way the aggressive one will settle down and pay attention to the girls. Having at least two females will keep either of them from being too harassed. Hope this helps.
That doesn't seem like a very good idea to me, it's only a 10 gallon tank. Not good to have 2 lots of fry a month in that situation.

I think you should take the more aggressive one back too. The tank is not big enough to allow other fish to get away from the aggressive one IMO.

However, before resorting to this give what Ed said a try. I have found rearranging to work wonders at times.

Good Luck

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