Mean shrimp?

Mar 17, 2005
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I know this is the sort of research i should do myself but i can't seem to find alot of info on shrimp species or which ones are agressive- the only shrimp i know that are peaceful are ghost and amoured shrimp.
One of my lfs's sells many types of shrimp, some realy bizarre ones as well, and i would like to know any types of shrimp i should avoid for a peaceful community fish aquarium or any that would be good in one?
Any help is much appreiciated :)
Avoid anything labled as "giant FW prawn/shrimp", these are likely to be of the Macrobrachium genus and are pure evil incarnate. I made the mistake of buying a 3" one for our sons community tank where it happily ate its way through a dozen or so corys before i noticed, i then moved it to one of my tanks where it ate a 6" rare predatory catfish after which i was so furious i threw it in with the big guys where it met a untimely demise in the mouth of an arowana :( .

Although it was sad that i lost my temper and murdered the shrimp it was probably for the best, further research showed that these beasts can reach nearly 2 feet in length and are the top predator in their native waters :crazy:

As a rule anything with claws is not safe to keep with fish, even ones that are larger than the shrimp.
I wouldnt put too much faith in that site, they have Macrobrachium rosenbergii listed as only reaching 15cm but several members of the predatory fish forum i'm a member of have specimins of 25 to 30cm and still growing.

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