Mean Male Guppy Alone?


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
My male fancy guppy and male molly always fight. The fancy guppy took some of my males mollys fin off. They always try to impress eachother. I want to sepataye my male fancy guppy, I have a beautiful 1 gallon or shoudl i put him in my 5 gallon? (I'd rather not have him in my 1 gallon cuz thats were my juvenile molly and guppies are gonna be) I'm just going to use him for breeding and not have him in the main tank. Do you think this is okay? Because he cause my male molly to be landed in the hospital tank!!!
i would separate them and put the other guppy male in the tank with out that mollie male....... maybe its cos they are from the same species that why they are fighting!!! :blink: put him in the five gallon tank that would be best!! :D leave the other one for the fry!! :D
Ok, I will. But my other, 'nice' male guppy gets along fine with "Mo", my male molly, so when Mo comes home from thehospital, I'll see how they are towrds eachother. As for meanie, I'll start trying to catch him now, so that by the time Mo comes home in 9 days, hopefully I'll have caught him. Thanks
OK first of all it's really cruel to keep a molly in a 1 gallon tank. Secondly how many females do you have? You should always keep at least 2 females for every male livebearer in a tank.
Ok, first of all, I don't have anything any any 1 gallon tank. And I'm not going to if you read the post. I have my male molly in a 5 gallon , (the hospital) and I'm going to have my mean male guppy in another 5 gallon. I have 4 females and 4 males. It works fine. They aren't together all the time, accually most of the time they're apart except my mollies, they're insepreable. And if you also read, that I'm going to seperate the mean male so there will be 2 females to a male. Read first, then think, then post. Don't just say something that makes no sense and acuse me of being cruel towrds me beloved fish! I take it personally, Thank you,

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