me and my heater

Heaters do the job right. When I first got one, i thought that the small light had to be on if it was working. Not until a while later I realised that the light is just when it is heating. Trust the heater. Get a thermometer for be sure as well because usually heaters are off the degree by 2.
I simply don't understand the heater.

You mean to tell me, when my heater reaches a certain temp, I just turn the nozzel the flips off the little light and the temperature will stay the same?

Can someone please tell me how heaters work?
A fish tank heater has a built in thermostat, much like the furnace or water heater in your house has a thermostat. When you set the thermostat for your furnace for example on 72 degrees F it will maintain your house at that temperature. All thermostats for furnaces have built in thermometers, at least all I've ever seen. That is why it's neccessary to have a thermometer for your tank, so you can set the heater to the proper temperature.

Hope this helps.

Eelzor said:
When I first got one, i thought that the small light had to be on if it was working. Not until a while later I realised that the light is just when it is heating.
Me too! I went through a HUGE mess with that. Realized the light wasn't on and flipped out. I kept plugging it in and out and in, hoping it would start "working". Ack, that was a stressful time!! Glad it's all figured out now... :*)
My heater has a mind of it's own. It seems like it only comes on when it feels like it. :angry:

Granted my tank stays warm enough...but the temperture is not what I'd call stable. That'll teach me to buy one of those topfish products from petsmart! Stupid thing isn't even labeled so I can tell it what temperature I want it to be set too. I can only twist it left for Higher and right for lower. :( :(

Word of advice to anyone new buying a heater. Get one that tells you what temperature your setting it to. Trust me on this. :nod: (oh, and don't get a topfin matter how well recommended or low priced it is at your LFS... :angry: )

That's exactly my problem. I have one of those $1.50 heaters from ShopRite. Whenever the light goes out, the temperature goes DOWN and it DOESN'T go up.

However, when the light goes on, the temperature gets higher...higher....higher....higher.....higher....untill, 105 DEGREES!!! HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? PUT ICE IN THE WATER!!!!!! Turn the heater of, next morning, 40 DEGREES!!!! HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! TURN THE HEATER ON!!!!!!!!!! :crazy:

So yes, I believe it is time I get a new heater. :S Mine stinks :X
How much water is in your tank, commanderdoom21 ? :unsure:

If the water isn't up to the "fill level" on the heater, the thermostat will not be running on the water temperature, but rather on the temperature of the air in the room. Most heaters have a line near the top that says something like "fill to this line." It is most important to do that. If you don't the heater will run constantly, since it is trying to heat the entire room that it is in, and as a result will overheat the water. :hyper:
Oh yo wudup.

Ok, I only filled my ten gallon tank 9 gallons. I stuck an extra gallon in there. I will now see what happens.

But yeah, not only does my heater probably work better now, but the aquarium looks LOTS nicer!!!!

Also, one of my fish died. I dunno how it happened. In the morning, it swam all wierd and all and by afternoon, it's dead.

MY fish with popeye isn't getting any better. But I don't give up, I keep treating him.

Well, thats "the saturday morning aquarium" for you.
Hi commanderdoom21 :)

I'm glad that there seems to be some reason for your heater's erratic behavior! And I do hope that filling it has solved the problem. :nod:

It's sad that you lost your fish, but temperature fluctuations is a very bad thing for the tank and can bring on all manner of trouble. Ich is another problem that it can bring on so if you see any tiny white spots on the fish, do not be overly surprised, but rather treat it immediately. :eek:

Now, just tinker with the setting on the heater, using a thermometer for guidance, and then leave it alone. If it holds the temperature with just a little fluctuation, great! If not, it could be defective either from the time it was bought or from the extreme overheating and cooling. Either way, if it doesn't hold pretty steady after this, I suggest you give up on it and get an new one. :nod:

Good luck! :D

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