Me and my fishy experience


New Member
Sep 7, 2021
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Hello there thought I'd introduce myself by spilling my whole fish experience from start to the near future.

So about 8 years ago we got a 28L tank from pets at home for my sons Christmas all set up for about 3 weeks over the Christmas period before we got our first few fish Guppy's, Neon Tetras and a Chinese Golden Algae Eater, about a year down the line the Algae Eater died unexpectedly and we got a common pleco to replace him about 1-2cm long when we got him we lost some Tetras and Guppy's over the years as well but I just replaced them as they wer cheap never over stocked never had more than 20 fish in my tanks even to this date always felt like Iv understocked my tank.
So anyway another year down the line and the pleco was getting way to big for the had 2 choices re-home him but I never new anyone and was still new to the hobby, or to upgrade tanks and as it happens my brother was getting rid of a 40L tank so I took it and got rid of my 28L tank not really thinking about keeping it like I wish I had now.
Keeping the same fish a few Guppy's a hand full of Tetras and the pleco they lasted we had this tank for about 6 months before we moved house and I took the plunge and bought a Juwel Rio 180 set up with black gravel and substrate for some live plants for my first time ever, even got some wood shrimp to add to my Tetra Guppy group. I later set up a DIY co2 setup that kept my plants nice for a while but I'm still not sure on what I actually need to keep them as my Guppy's ruined most my plants over and over now my pleco is getting big he's about 6-7 years old and looking great.

Now 6 years later I'm looking to get the tank moved and onto a lower stand under my TV and a sump tank under it Iv got my brother making the stand as he's a joiner.
I'm not in a rush to get it all sorted buying bits at a time for a rescape. Got loads of questions about sump setups Iv been looking them up to see what I'm needing and such but it's not the same as first hand experience.
I won't be doing a black gravel and substrate again the substrate was creeping through the gravel and it looks bad so that won't happen again,
Got a huge list on Amazon for the sump stuff and new sand and decor can't wait to get it sorted out looking fine.

So yeah that's my fish experience so far to be continued 😂

Any input on plants, tank mates, substrate, equipment, tricks or anything at all cheers.


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