Me Again 50gal


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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My hubby says I can have a 50 gal tank in a couple of months so I was wondering Id like to make it a little different oddballs . I have some torquose rainbows Ill be adding some neon tetras ,4 albino corys if anybody has any ideas could you let me know that way I can reseach it I want to take my time with this tank and really make it nice I would like a pair of angels ThanksPat.
Here's my idea: skip the ordinary stuff. Leave out the neons and the Corydoras paleatus. Instead, look to unusual species of tetra and catfish. How about the emperor tetra Nematobrycon palmeri or the blue emperor tetra Inpaichthys kerri? Both no more difficult to keep than neons, but rather more active and colourful in a different sort of way. Similar, try a more unusual species of Corydoras, perhaps Corydoras panda or Corydoras julii?

This way, you're not just going with "oddballs" but species of regular stuff that people just don't keep all that often.

Alternatively, I'd heartily recommend getting a school of South American puffers plus some catfish and perhaps tetras compatible with them. SAPs look amazing as a group, and unlike some other oddballs they're neither drab nor retiring. Indeed, it's hard to think of a single freshwater fish that matches them in sheer energy!

I keep mine with a variety of fish, but the ideal tankmates seem to be Synodontis and fast Hyphessobrycon such as H. erythrostigma. SAPs seem to ignore robust loricariids, too.

Cheers, Neale
There's lots of things you can do with a tank that big. You could do a puffer tank, but everything in that tank would have to be brackish.

You could do a dragon goby tank
You could get a rubber eel
or a brown knife fish tank
or african butter flies

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