Mdg Concern


Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
My Male Dwarf Gourami has a white mark on his head, which is slightly dented in.
I'll do a big water change tomorrow, but is there anything else that I can do?  I would prefer not to ad meds to the tank for the sake of other fish.  He's lasted a fair while now, and I've been pleased not to lose him to iridovirus so shame to lose him to something else....
Could you get a pic?
It might just heal with time, lots of water changes with temperature matched and dechlorinated water will help it heal.
sick mdg.jpg
here's a pic.
I am away for 5 days tomorrow so if I need to euthanise will need to be today :(
I don't want disease to spread to other fish, and this one does not seem to be getting better.
It looks like a type of fungus.
Put the fish in a quarantine/hospital tank and get whoever is looking after you fish to change 30-50% of the water daily, make sure they use dechlorinater and match the temp.
When you get back, if its looking better then continue the water changes. If its looking the same/worse, find some fungus medication.
Thanks, he's still eating well. Had also wondered about hole in the head.

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