Mbuna Tank


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
Hi....I have a 45 tall with all Mbuna , the mix is P red zebra 1m 1f (Petsmart best red ive seen in years)P polits 2m 2f (f1s),M maingano 1m 3f(f1s), all adults and P demasoni 6 small juvies(1 inche).Will this mix work ,if not I can move the fish apart again , just wanted all mbuna tank,but no xbreds.(yes I know that Demasoni are aggressisive, still wanted them)Had most fish for awhile but in different set ups, with other lakes and rivers.Im also setting up a 55 Tang tank with (have) V moori's 3,N leleupi 3, all about 2 inches and am getting this weekend 12 juvie T duboisi's.I also have Yellow calvus but do not want to risk them so there are in a 29.Thank you for your replies
45 Tall, that's 36"x12" footprint?

Well, you know what I think about the Demasoni, so all you can do is see what happens in your tank. The overstocking will help but evenutally the true Demasoni will come out, it's just a matter of time. On the bright side, they'll thin the numbers down themselves for you ;)

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