mbuna suggestions I'm sure all of you would


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
already have 2 electric yellow, 1 maylandia lombardoi, 1 nimbochromis venustus

I want more mbunas and some more kenyi, but need suggestions for others it's a 90 gallon

Oh, cichlidaddict, Thankyou thankyou it works now :D :) :D :) :)
Are they all adults, or juvies?

I think some Melanochromis cyanerhabdos("maingano"), Melanochromis johanni or Pseudotropheus elongatus could hold their own with the venustus and P. lombardoi. Just make sure that any fish you add are the same size/age as your current fishy friends.
Whoa...good luck finding that in a pet store!

If it's the look you like, try Cynotilapia afra or Pseudotropheus elongatus "chewere", --very similar looking to that Labidochromis mbamba
If you go with aggressive mbuna like Lombardoi by all means stay away from most haps, especially big friendly ones like Moori.

Any mbuna that can handle the aggression of Lombardoi will work in that tank. Any Melanochromis variety should work fine, as well as the more aggressive pseudotropheus and maylandia varieties.

Oh, and you're welcome ;)
should i keep more kennyi temperate level fish or lab level, because i'd rather not get rid of either
EDIT-> I found this
Larger, More Aggressive Mbuna Setup

Select 1 species from each group (Max 5 of each):
Group A:
• Labeotropheus trewavasae

Group B:
• Melanochromis johanni
• Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos
• Melanochromis auratus

Group C:
• Maylandia callainos "Cobalt Zebra"
• Maylandia estherae "Red Zebra"
• Maylandia lombardoi "Kenyi"

Group D:
• Labidochromis species

Group E:
• Tropheops tropheops

Group F:
• Pseudotropheus elongatus types
• Pseudotropheus flavus

Group G:
• Pseudotropheus acei

Group H:
• Cynotilapia afra

but i want some synos i i can find them what could i drop to make room or just add cause i have a 90 and this is for a 75

it says i can keep my labs!!!!! :D
Exiled said:
Whoa...good luck finding that in a pet store!

If it's the look you like, try Cynotilapia afra  or Pseudotropheus elongatus "chewere",  --very similar looking to that Labidochromis mbamba

I found some should i get them i have an empty 8 gallon setup right now, till my 90's cycled

or you think they're mislabeled
im not sure if most agree but personaly i dont beleave in mixing mbuna with other lake malawi cichlids like haps.
pseudotropheus acei are very nice and would go well with your electric yellows.
blue zebra's are very nice allready said the red zebra are stunning,maybe Lombardoi Mbuna? exellent color can hold there own aswell.

also dont forgot to overstock alittle so if you do have surton aggresive fish then 1 or 2 poor fish wont be the constant target.

can i posts sites here ? sorry if its not allowed pls remove it but this is usefull site for pictures.
you can post sites here, and i didn't really plan this, i got my tank for christmas and boght some fish in early january only after about two weeks of research did I know what they are and I really don't know anything about fish keeping but my fish are doin great now I just have to enlarge the tank, and couldn't give up any of them, they have so much personality and i am very attached, otherwise i wouldn't be keeping my venustus because he's a utaka/or hap but at least it's not a friendly hap and has similar temperment, to a extra agressive mbuna, my kenyi keeps her in check

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