MBUNA set up


Feb 12, 2004
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Coventry, UK

see that Juwel down there feeling all so empty and unwanted? Well, I was contemplating a different kingd of set up and Mbuna have come to mind on many occasion.

Juwels have internal filters, will these need to be bolstered with an external? Any particular recomended models?

I am a complete dunce at the moment with regard to them. i have only ever flirted with Cichlids (Brichardi setup, Kribs oh and those Angels).

How many fish could I keep in that aquarium, I understand they need to be quite crowded?

Also is it possible to keep catfish with them? are there any Synos from the malawi area?? Mbuna are from malawi right?

Oh this one is a bit demanding, speicies mix suggestions, photos if poss or even dedicated Mbuna links?

Thanks bery bery much. :)
The overstocking theory is one way of controlling aggression, and not the only way. I personally don't overstock my mbuna tanks because it leads to a less stable tank and , well, I don't like the look of aquariums crammed with fish.

How many also depends on what species you go with, as well as personl preference. In general you are looking at about 15 adults, but keep in mind this is only a very rough estimate.

Synodontis Njassae is from lake Malawi, but many syno's will work, and you may find it easier to find Multipunctatus or Petricola.

It's hard to recommend species, your tank size opens up some options for you. The best thing to do is find some species that you like and list them. We can then organize what will and won't work.
Okey dokes, ill be nagging you for information :D

I really like the blues in some of thes fishes, they very striking, but i dont want to rush into it yet.

I am starting to look into things, but is my filter sufficient?

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