Mbuna mix..


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2003
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Hello, wondering if anyone has ever tried keeping some demasoni with tang. shell dwellers.. This tank has major rockwork and a few spots on the bottom that have open sand.. Have 4 demasoni(new tank, small fish) in there now, thinking about adding 2 shellies.. Yea, Nay? BTW it's a 16 gal bowfront.. I'm gonna take pics here shortly..
well i dont know about the demasoni's but i am keeping tangs and mbuna together and they r getting along great sorry i couldn'tr be of more help
You can't keep Demasoni in a 16 gallon aquarium, they are very, very aggressive fish and will kill each other. You can't keep any mbuna in that tank, they are either too aggressive or too big. Shelldwellers, however, would not be a problem.

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