Fish Fanatic
I have a 55 gallon tank. It is filtered by a marineland Magnum 350 and a BIOwheel 60 pro on one side of the tank and a power head with a quick filter on the other. I cycled it in three weeks using a fishless cycle.
I have some problems with this set up and will probably try a different canister filter in the future.
Anyway here is my current stock:
3 labidochromis caeruleus
2 psuedotropheus estharae
2 psuedotropheus socolofi
2 labidochromis perlmutt?( I don't think this is the actual scientific name ffor them)
1 synodontis eupterus
They are all about an inch to one and one half inches with the execption of one of the caeruleus who seems to be the ruler of the tank at 2 inches(bad temper too).
I can't tell their sex yet, but I think the big one will be the only male.
So do you think I will be ok with this set up?
Should I change anything or add any filters?
My tap water is PH 7.8 so I don't modify it any, but its gh is 22 will this be ok?
The fish seem very happy and are constantly begging for food.
I do have problems with my filter as I get ammonia spikes and nitrite spikes anytime i clean the canister. Seems the bacteria likes to grow there instead of the biowheels. I keep a supply of ammonia lock on hand just in case. Is there anything I can do to help this problem?
I have some problems with this set up and will probably try a different canister filter in the future.
Anyway here is my current stock:
3 labidochromis caeruleus
2 psuedotropheus estharae
2 psuedotropheus socolofi
2 labidochromis perlmutt?( I don't think this is the actual scientific name ffor them)
1 synodontis eupterus
They are all about an inch to one and one half inches with the execption of one of the caeruleus who seems to be the ruler of the tank at 2 inches(bad temper too).
I can't tell their sex yet, but I think the big one will be the only male.
So do you think I will be ok with this set up?
Should I change anything or add any filters?
My tap water is PH 7.8 so I don't modify it any, but its gh is 22 will this be ok?
The fish seem very happy and are constantly begging for food.
I do have problems with my filter as I get ammonia spikes and nitrite spikes anytime i clean the canister. Seems the bacteria likes to grow there instead of the biowheels. I keep a supply of ammonia lock on hand just in case. Is there anything I can do to help this problem?