mbu puffer

Yeah, they get BIG. They need like a 12 foot tank. I've seen them fed squid and shrimp. They get 3-4 feet long. Here's a pic:
They are full grown at 2 foot, but can get bigger than that and they need a huuuge tank!

here are some pics of mine. He's just a baby and is only 3 1/2 inches. He likes cockles and mussels to eat and also snails. They cant tolerate any water problems ie no ammonia or nitrite. They are generally peaceful although as with all puffers they each have a different personality. They are generally pretty expensive, i paid a bargainous £40.00 for mine a few months ago.



Mbus are definitely a specialist fish and require an extremely large tank. Really only recommended if you have experience with other puffers and/or other large predatory fish.

They are extremely beautiful and said to have quite gentle personalities for a puffer. Many keepers house their Mbu with similiar sized fish as they seem to enjoy social interaction, but not with their own species (or other puffers).

Feeding requirements are the same as other puffers, except bigger. Expect a lot of waste so ensure you have good filtration.

Mbus really are wonderful fish, but please only consider one if you have the dedication and resources necessary.
We are in the process of moving our mbu, which is over 2ft long and growing, into a bigger tank.
Just to give you an idea, 3ft x 2ft x 1ft will be just the filter for this tank!!!
The tank will be 1500 litres.
Ours is a very social mbu and although personalities vary with these fish, they are generally sociable with other fish if brought up with others.

The tank itself weighs 2 tonnes, and requires a large, very expensive stand.
Don`t get me wrong, these are very rewarding fish to keep but please only consider getting one if you are prepared to change the water twice a week, clear out uneaten food and poo every day, and provide a very large tank and filter.

These fish also need lots of attention, our mbu needs to be around us and looks for us all the time. He must always stay in the lounge.

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