Mbu puffer needs rescuing...


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
If anyone's after a very skinny but sooooooo cute and full of personality puffer, then please go to the Downtown Garden Centre in Grantham and buy Mr Puffy. He is getting really thin, you can see the outline of the bones in his skull, and his skin is saggy :eek: He is active, eats well and doesn't seem to have any other health problems, but he is in with some plecs and other fish and the tank is probably too small and I don't know if they feed him enough. I don't have a tank anywhere big enough for him (he's 7 - 8 inches long) otherwise I'd snap him up in a second - he is an absolute doll.

Please someone buy him and make him as fat as Martha, pleeeeez......

They're actually a pretty good LFS, and all the staff are really fond of Puffy. They just don't have the room for him now he's getting bigger - and the bigger he gets the less likely he is to be bought - it's a vicious circle.
Just because you wnat it doesen't mean it should be sold it have been taken out of a natural habbitat & a fish this large deserves to be kept in far over a 1000gallon.

Think of the amount they will sell go to a small comunity tank treat with bad meds & kill it.
You have to thing past yourself and for the wellfare of the fish.

would you keep an elephan if you had the minimal space for one.

Don't take me to be extream I am thinking of the fish only.

It's fine if you can provide an adiquate space for one but if not don't even think about it.

anbody who questions my theory will be shot.
end story.

I apologise for my agression but feel strongly about this situation.
I'm sorry, but you are really peeing me off recently. tyou think you are god. And know everything. Or so it seems in your posts. I seriously don't agree with how you keep your fish, but meh. That is just me.

:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:


OK, I will now be shot.

You keep puffers, many of them are taken out of their natural habitat, maybe you shouldn't have them. Go put them back. eight now. Hypocrite.

Sarah already said that they are a good lfs. she's the one that goes there. End of story. How do you know?

If you want to know my opinion, if a fish dies, the lfs will keep ordering fish anyway. To replace it. They will find someone to buy it, some poor newbie (oh how I hate that term...).

Oooo...I questioned your theory.

So shoot me.

mine are kept in a larger tank than needed.
It is me disagreeing with the larger puffers from natural happita & I have been trying to breed sap's for a couple of years now so far no luck. :flex:

Until now...When I've noticed one deffends the other I am listing my findings & will later publish if sucsesfull.

How long have you kept puffers?

I don't wish to go too far off topic, but it seems odd to me that you state the Mbu puffer (maxes out around 24") should be in a 1000 gallon tank but you are purchasing a Fahaka puffer that can get to 18" in an aquarium.

Are you going to get a 750 gallon tank for your fahaka?

With regards to Mbu, most info on the web states that they can be kept well in a good foot print 300 gallon (around 8 foot by 3 foot by 2 foot tall).
you're trying to breed sap's? how'd you sex them; get a university to run a genetic or what?

if you have any preliminary stuff written up, i'd be veryvery interested in looking it over. you don't have to give me any secrets! :p i'd really just be interested in your stocking levels and care (temp, feeding, pH, gH, kH, etc).

don't mind me; i just collect knowledge and things to be knowledgable about!
I bought three & am keeping tham in natural surroundings in an over sized tank.
one has balsck al over his tail where as the other two don't & he is gaurding this cave made of rocks.

I feed them lots ther are two tank mates a fire mouth chiclid & a brislte nose plec.
I had a thought males might be rare in the trade?
The temprature is 26-7c
water is extreamly hard.
feeding is blood worms cockles & snails.
all the information i've ever seen indicated that there is no visual way to sex SAPs. that's why i was so surprised to see you were trying to breed them. good luck; maybe you'll be the first!

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