Mbu Info.


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anchorage Alaska
I'm trying to convince my mother to buy me a 100 gallon (my uncles) and I would like to keep a mbu in it so I've got some questions.

1.) can I keep 1 (or even 2) mbus in a 4x2x2

2.) can mbus be bred?

3.) will they eat feeder fish?

4.) What fish will make good tank mates for a mbu?

and 5.) how much should I expect to pay for one if I find it?


1.) can I keep 1 (or even 2) mbus in a 4x2x2

No, MBU puffers must not be kept together. A 100g tank cannot house one for life.

2.) can mbus be bred?

No, MBU's cannot stand the sight of each other, if two are placed into the same tank one or both fish will be killed.

3.) will they eat feeder fish?

MBU's are not known to be piscavors (fish eaters) preffering a diet of shellfish and crustaceans though small fish may be occasionally eaten.

4.) What fish will make good tank mates for a mbu?

This is dependant on the individual MBU, some are tolerant of tankmates and some will kill any fish placed with them, i have seen displays with MBU's and african cichlids together which worked well.

5.) how much should I expect to pay for one if I find it?

MBU's sell for between £50 and £70 for a 4" fish here in the UK
My LFS had a 20 inch Mbu. I asked if my tank would be alright and I was sad when he said no. I asked how much he was and I was even sadder( Is this a word ) when he said £450.

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