Maze Brain Coral


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
any idea how far the tentacles reach out? I just need to figure out how far away i should keep this from my other corals...I know i know, i shoulda done my research, but that's what I get for just talkin' to the people at the LFS. I didn't even know they would harm other corals till i looked it them up on liveaquaria when I got home :*)
Doh! I tried to move my leather mushroom, but he's attaching to another piece of LR halfway up his stalk :crazy: Guess I'll just have to put the brain in the front corner of the tank and hope his tentacles don't go further than 12" or up over and behind the LR that's a foot away (got something growing there, but don't know wut it is, it came with the LR)
It will extend them at night so you will need to sit up late and watch, some extend futher than others. Your just going to have to watch and see what he does. Good luck. Ram
Just so that you know he will grow quite a bit, be prepaired to move other corals as he grows, i've been home a bit and took a flashlight out, they only seem to be out a maximum of 1/8th of an inch...I don't know if they cuz my tv is on (noise/sound?), but apparently it seems fine so far -_-
i have a maze coral and as of yet im yet to see it extend its sweepers. I know they do but mine has never done this to my knowledge. I would say that 12 inches is far longer than its sweepers can reach.
last night i actually saw 1 tentacle about 3 or 4 inches long, all the rest still were only 1/8th of an inch or so.

Here's another question for ya' navarre, or anyone else for that matter, I have the coral placed kinda near where my female clown likes to "dig" in the sand with her tail. The LR there always is partially covered in sand that got stirred up. Looks like there's little bits of sand getting on the top area, should I move it, or will it be fine? :*)
It really depends how often it gets covered. i have a warsse that loves to sand dive. it stirs up so much and spreads it liberally over my brain, bubble and torch corals. although they dont like it, they soon expell the sand and continue as normal. This is probably happens once per day though, any more and the coral might be using up valuable energy trying to keep itself clean.

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