Mayority Of My Fishes Have Died Out - Tips To Save The Rest..!


New Member
Feb 2, 2013
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Hello everyone.
This Christmas I've been given approx. 8.5 gal (around 32 l) aquarium , with all set and two bags of with ten mollies in total.
I've never had an aquarium before and didn't know almost anything about it, and apparently, people who gave it to me didn't know much either. The aquarium was set up the next day (while fishes waiting in the bucket with filtration). Little did we know about cycling or anything like that. Since I live with an old lady, after few days I found out she has been feeding the fish aswell, even if asked not to - which, at least I think, has contributed a lot to a massive fish death the first week after the tank was set. At the end, I had left two zebra mollies, one orange one, and a baby who was born. After that and some reading, I was trying to do everything to help the tank to cycle better.
Last week, the orange molly died, and today, the little one with eyes popped out.
The petshop where the aquarium was sold and couple of others I found neither have testing kits(???) nor can test my water, and this weekend I have no opportunity to find it somewhere else.
I change around 50 percent of water every ten days, the shop suggested 40 percent every two to three weeks but that seems to little for me. Also, I have a sand bed, which is not being cleaned really - it is possible the waste is contaminating the water? I don't have the package of the filter, but I was thinking I had filtration more than needed since it's big and creates flow which is even a bit to strong for this small tank.
The two fish I have left are male and female zebra mollies, with  female being pregnant  - she's huge, her belly is getting squared and the male is chasing her more than normally. 
What would you suggest me to do? Maybe I should transfer the fishes to the bucket with same aquarium water, take the sand out and put them back again? wouldn't it be to risky? I'm a bit lost what to do, because dying fish with no solution is very depressing..
Thank you a lot in advance.

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