Maybe Starting A 15 Or 20g Nano


Jan 17, 2007
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my own subjective universe
once i get a job i might be buying a 15 or 20 gallon tank i would like to start a nano with it.

any sugestions on what to do, equiptment weather i need a skimmer, what powerheads, filters, so on

any help would be greatful
I would suggest reading the pins first and read some of the journals around in this section also (check out SH's for a step by step journal, a lot of other members also have great journals). It's best to ask specifics for a better responce, ie. "What kind of coral is hardy", "What skimmer works", "How many pounds of live rock should I grab from the fish store?".
ok thanks, i have been skimming though the pinned topics, is 7.99 a pound good for cured live rock?

this could take a bit of time becuase i am still looking for a job (im 15) and my mom dosent want to pay for any of it becuase she just bought me a car.

do i need a skimmer for a 15 or 20 gallon? and maybe a biowheel? and a power head that does around 200gph right?

I paid 6.50$ for LR and 9.50$(us) for LR with corralin algae already on it. I live by the great lakes, and that would be an ok price here but I don't know about Canada. If you want corals a skimmer won't be a bad investment but if you do frequent water changes you could avoid it but I would get it. You want more than that with your powerhead, more like 300-400, I have 150 in a 5.5 gallon tank plus a HOB filter. You can get a bio-wheel filter but don't use the bio-wheel, it traps nitrates and raises nitrates in your tank and in SW you want them low or none. I'm 15 also and have paid for everything myself. Word of advice, no matter how tempting it is to get something now, wait until you have everything that you need. I have what I need for basics now but I'm still saving for calcium and alkalinity test kits so I can test for them and get corals. You need patience. good luck though
Yep, the pinned topics here help a bunch, also reading other people's journals about their tanks helped me getting started, and always ask lots of questions no matter how dumb they may seem.

Between a 15 and 20g, i'd get the 20g just because it is bigger and will therefore be easier to keep levels where they're suppose to be. You won't need a skimmer because the tanks won't be too big, I have a 29g and have never had a reason to buy one yet.

I personally, instead of spending hundreds on live rock, bought smaller pieces called "rubble rock" which had been curing in my lfs for around 2 months, looked wonderful and only cost $2 a pound :hyper: . I probably bought around 30-40 pieces which totaled 20pounds and then glued them together with epoxy, and was able to create caves and other cool looking things.
So if you can find that, that could be a money saver.

For sand, I definitely recommend Aragamax sand, no matter what else someone may suggest to you. And i wouldn't waste the extra money on live sand (which is the sand that is sold in a bag full of water), its not worth it, and your sand will turn live anyways after a period. :good:
BlueGreen Chromis need to be kept in odd numbers with at least 3 of them to start. I would say that if you want a school of them to up the tank at least 5 gallons. Can you get a 29 gallon by chance?
BlueGreen Chromis need to be kept in odd numbers with at least 3 of them to start. I would say that if you want a school of them to up the tank at least 5 gallons. Can you get a 29 gallon by chance?

i personaly like longer tanks,i will look into getting a 29 or 30 gallon tank but like i said in the first post i have to get a job first!
If they don't you can pick up Maxi-Jets worldwide at fish stores. You can always call them to see.
my lfs is very small (the only one in town) and usually only carrys fluval and aquaclear filters and only aquaplear powerheads, i went into there today to see :p

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