Maybe Dying Of Old Age?


Feb 21, 2006
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Allentown, PA, USA
Hi, i have a betta that is female. Ive had her for 6 months and shes always been large. My sister had her before that for 3 months. I think she might be dying of old age. She isnt moving as much as she did 2 days ago and yesterday, and when i fed my fish, she went to the food, looked at it, then watched it float away. I have a 10 gallon and it has 2 other female bettas, i clean iot often, and my stats are :
Hi, i have a betta that is female. Ive had her for 6 months and shes always been large. My sister had her before that for 3 months. I think she might be dying of old age. She isnt moving as much as she did 2 days ago and yesterday, and when i fed my fish, she went to the food, looked at it, then watched it float away. I have a 10 gallon and it has 2 other female bettas, i clean iot often, and my stats are :

i assume ammonia=0
i dont know as my test does not include ammonia, but i clean otu my tank everyday and i did 3 water changes about 30 minutes ago.
i dont know as my test does not include ammonia, but i clean otu my tank everyday and i did 3 water changes about 30 minutes ago.

3 water changes?
what do you mean?
put the water and remove it again?
I get a hose type thing that sucks up poop and bad water fromt he gravel. I then remove it, put new water in a bucket, put a formula to make the water breathable etc, then i put it in the tnak when its ready. this helps keep ammonia/nitrite down.
I get a hose type thing that sucks up poop and bad water fromt he gravel. I then remove it, put new water in a bucket, put a formula to make the water breathable etc, then i put it in the tnak when its ready. this helps keep ammonia/nitrite down.
you did this 3 times in 1 day?
how much water did you remove and replace?
I'd separate her out--any fish acting odd I separate out in case they are coming down with some illness I don't want others to get. She could be old but I haven't noticed my elderly female bettas acting like the males do since they haven't had to deal with a lot of fin their whole lives. Mine have always remained active, generally just keeling over dead at some point. You should check yours over really well under a bright light to make sure she isn't developing fungus or something. A female that won't eat is not a good sign.
so i put her in a 5 gallon to herself, all new water and filter, and i got in some salt. should i add fungus clear by Jungle?

helP!!!!! plzzzzz

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