May Breed My Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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I've never really planned on breeding my betta, but I really want to now. I've already seen about 100 things over the past months and I think I can go ahead eventually. Any extra adice or help?
Also I have soem questions and I'm sure I'll have more late as I got though with this.
Do the fry really need BBS? I hate trying to culture those. Also I may have to wait until it gets warmer because the free rooms I'd have to keep them in stay cool in the winter., I'm not sure, I know I'll have to atleast wait to culture some MW for a few weeks. Also would carefully cleaned soda bottles work as jars? I heard of sucesses with them. Aslo what is the age limit for breeding? Is it still ok to breed older betta if they are still intersted and ready for breeding?
I'm no betta breeding expert, but I will say this:

- I don't really understand why the cold rooms should be a problem; heaters are for this purpose. If you can't buy heaters for the colder rooms, you def. don't have the money to embark on betta breeding. If you simply don't want to spend the money on heaters for the colder rooms, you shouldn't. From what I've read, baby bettas are very temp. sensitive. Please consider this before breeding.
- Older bettas are not usually a good choice for breeding, as there is evidence suggesting there will be high fry mortality, or potentially deformed fry. How old is he/she?

Also, are these bettas from a breeder, or a pet store? It would probably be good to at least know that they came from a long line of a given tail type so you can predict how the offspring will come out. If they are a bunch of mutt tail types, it'll be very hard to find someone who will buy them.

However, if you have young healthy breeders from a betta, and feel confident, it might be worth a shot.
It is the warmth after jarring I'm worried about. I can't have a heater in that many jars. Also I havn't choosen apair just yet so I don't know exactly yet. I'm still just experiementing with the idea.
It is the warmth after jarring I'm worried about. I can't have a heater in that many jars.
Small room and a $15 space heater, problem solved ;)

Some say you don't need BBS and that microworms alone will do, but I'd never try it in a million years. My fry eat much more when fed BBS than microworms, and are just obviously more attracted to the BBS for some reason. Trust me, if you want to breed bettas, hatching BBS is going to be the least of your worries! :lol:

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