max units of fish?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2004
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Hi all, thinking about starting up tropical fish keeping again
been to pet shop and had alook at some tanks seen a nice one 80cmx35cmx45cm
which works out to have a surface area of 2800cm2 and holds 27.72 uk gallons
all of this was worked out on a website for me it said that i could keep up to 91.86cm of tropical fish but what that mean??
It means that the total length of foish you can have is 91.6cm
I.e adult fish = 6cm then you can have 15 of them.

However this is a rule of thumb and numbers can be increased over time and with good filtration and good housekeeping
It means 92cm of fish - taking into account their adult length, excluding tail...

So if you were to keep, say, only guppies (adult size, looked up on web as 4cm) you could keep 92/4 = 23 guppies. If you were to keep mollies (adult size 10cm) you could keep 9...and so on...

Its just a rule of thumb tho' - in reality it depends on the actual fish you keep and how clean/messy or friendly/territorial they are.


aj xx
So what would u recommend me to get?
for a tank of this dimentions
If it were me I would think about going the eBay route and getting a bigger tank for the same money *hehe* Bigger is usually better for fish tanks :D

However, if you want the 25Gallon, I would go for something small, so you can have lots of them. Guppies (4cm), Platies(5cm), Rasboras(4cm), Tetras(4cm) etc with maybe a trio of cories(7cm). The first 4 fish are all small, colorful and shoaling - so you'd need to stick to just one or two types and get at least 6 of each. They are all pretty common so they are also cheap and hardy!

You also need to be sure not to add all these fish at once or you will overload the tank - but you can read about that in the hundreds of posts on cycling in this forum ;)

aj xx

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