Max. No Of Cories In A 90l ?

KidPilot .. Tom

New Member
Feb 22, 2008
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I was just at my LFS and they have some "Three Lined Cories" in stock. I have been after them for a long time however already have 7 others in my tank. (3 Panda, 4 Sterbai) My tank is 90L with a rock centrepiece and heavily planted with a small bogwood refuge to the side - Lots of hidey holes ! Would it be okay to include 3 "Three Lined Cories" to this shoal ?

Thanks alot

TOM .. :good:
If all you have in there is corydoras, I would say you would be good with at least 6 trilineatus. The sterbais get pretty big but that is offset with the pandas being rather small so I would be ready to try 6. This assumes you don't have other fish in the tank. A nice sized trilineatus shoal should result.
I agree with Old Man. Cories aren't big on the bioload, so you don't have to really follow a rule for them. 4-6 three lined would be fine. :)

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