Mature Tank Problems!


New Member
Jun 7, 2014
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Hello all!!
I have a 150 liter tank with a few 5 corys, 2 platties, 3 tetras. I recently lost my betta and another platty. The tank has been established 2 years.
Tested with APi master test kit and found the following.
PH 7.6 ish, tap water is the same.
Nitrites 0
ammonia 0
nitrates 160+
I did a small water change yesterday and added enough prime to treat the whole tank. I am hoping the prime will make the nitrates less toxic!
What can I do to sort this out long term? I don't want to have to do 50% water changes every other day or keep adding prime to remove the toxicity!
Thanks in advance for your help
Prime does nothing to detoxify nitrates.
Seems that you are in the midst of 'Old Tank Syndrome'.
You don't need to do 50% water changes daily... instead, you need to start with SMALL water changes far more frequently.
I'd suggest 20% twice a week for about two months... the key is that the fish need time to adapt to getting back to tap conditions.

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