Mature tank filter....


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I have 4 Filters and I have been considering asking my two LFS if either have a Mature tank filter I could get...

How much could I expect this to help in getting my cycle problem fixed?

I'm not sure if I understand your question. You seem to have other tanks already with fishes in it - why do you need a mature filter from LFS? :blink:
I did this all wrong. I started w/ a 30G which hadn't been cycled... :/

I moved the fish to the 55G w/ the 30G water, etc... because the 30G could not handle the fish AND the cycle. Ammonia was going through the roof even with 50% water changes....

The 55G is handling it well overall, but I would like to get this complete so I don't lose any more fish.
Do you have any tanks that have been fully cycled???
Nope. :( I started w/ the 30G and didn't know about "cycling" yet. Had to places tell me letting it sit for 2 weeks would be fine. (I don't shop at either place anymore.)

Then I proceeded to add too many fish at once (another mistake) and completely overloaded the 30G for any reasonable cycling start which caused the amonia to sky rocket. Even 50% water changes were only taking it down by .25. :(

When I got the 50 up I moved the fish to that as soon as it cleared w/ a 70% water from the 30G and the filter from the 30G as I was hoping the cycle had started.

So far the 50G is showing an average Amonia of .75 and I'm doing 20% water changes daily.

.75 is better than the 1.5 high it hit in the 30G, which is why I moved the fish. It hit 1.5 in the 30G and an hour after a 50% water change it was still at 1.25.
With that many fishes in the 55g, I suspect you will be facing another ammonia jump soon...

Do you know anyone who owns a mature tank already? I'm afraid you are looking at alot of large water changes in the near future, or alternatively, take some of your fishes back...

Just as a comparison, I cycled my original 25g using only 3 platies and I went through daily water change (30%) for a month just to keep ammonia level in check...
Well, I'm going to move 2 of the male guppies down to the lower 55G since I want to get it cycling. It's not going to be a livebearer tank, but it will take some of the load off and give the females a break.

I would move half the danios if I was sure they would be okay with only 3 in each tank.

And, that is the reason I was asking. I think one of my LFS might have some mature media I can get that I can put in my Pengiun 330 (either as a cartridge or in the additioanl spot).

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