Mature angelfish unwell


New Member
Dec 8, 2020
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About a week and half ago I noticed one of my male angel floating around randomly in a the tank, I set up a hospital tank and put him in there. He lay on the floor for about a week whist I tried salt baths and feeding peas but he wasn't eating anything. I even smushed up heaps of peas and gave him a pea bath because he wouldn't eat them.

The pea bath seemed to perk him up quite a bit and the next day he was swimming around, somtimes upside down though. He's now eating very small amounts of flake and frozen blood worm and is staying the right way up but he is just hovering about in one corner of the tank now near the surface and has been for 2 days now. I think there may have been a fight between my 2 big males.

Any ideas?

Water stats are OK and flow rate is very slow also. I'll attach a photo. Thanks
No, I haven't added any new fish to that tank in about 2 years
No, I haven't added any new fish to that tank in about 2 years
Hmm then it’s not community stress, could be something else in the tank. Try keeping him in a dark place for few days & recheck the nitrate levels of that tank to ensure it’s ok. Otherwise should be fine. Happy fish keeping.
Here is my other male, and my oldest female photo bombing. The best photo I could get as they thought it was feeding time!


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