Matis Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
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Well after finding a mantis in my own tank, i fell in love, although i took it back, i will now go take it back again :D.
I have set up a 15gal. I filled it up with water from my 53gal that has been running for around 7 months. I also added some LR that was from my 4 foot, and i will be purchasing some more.
Has ne one had ne experience with these? DONT WORRY i will not be getting fish, i know as much as they r the meanest thing out! thats why i want it hehe.
Info would be great, thank you.
well after being on the net researching mantis shrimp for some time i decided i would go look at my tank.
I remembered that it was either a pistol or a mantis shrimp that was making the noises in my tank, so i wanted to check it out.
I looked in one hole, and saw 2 eyes looking right at me... i knew straight away, thats where my fire goby and banded shrimp went.
So i took the rock out and waiting... and waited untill i couldnt ne more, so i broke the rock in half and there he was, One beautiful little Peacock mantis!
I will prob never see him again, but owel, this thing was absolutly stunning!
I have put him in the tank where i will be placing a 5" mantis, we will see if he survives or not.
Just thought i would tell you :)
They are very intelligent creatures and probably have the best eyesight known to nature. They can see through all light spectrums and their depth of vision is unsurpassed. If you ever suprise a mantis then you can really consider yourself very lucky.

You wont be able to keep snails or hermits with the shrimp as they will be invited for lunch! You could get away with things like starfish though as they probably wouldnt attack them.corals are of course saf to keep with them also. Once the shrimp gest used to its surroundings they usually get quite bold and can be trained easily to show themselves for a bit of food.

Never put your hand too close to them or work in the tank when you dont know exactly where th emantis is at all times. They arent called thumbsplitters for nothing.

A couple of useless bits of information about mantis shrimps that you might find interesting.

The point of contact where a mantis hits with its clubs makes the water in that point boil for a fraction of a second.

When a mantis strikes, the hit is so powerful thatit actually can seperate air from the water, (it also known to cause a pinpoint of light at the point of contact also)

Mantis shrimps are not actually shrimps, they just look like em.

There are 2 basic types of shrimps. Smashers and piercers.
Correct me if i am wrong, but Smashers are the kind that eat Hermits and Snails.
Spearers claws are not designed for this. Smashers have Club like claws, whilst spearers have spear like. Spearers prefer solf food e.g. Small fish and little inverts.
I think spearers r fine with hermits and snails, i guess i will see.
Mine is only around 1"-1.5".
First day, I put some shrimp in his hole and he snatched that up fast. I have a porcelin crab in there with it, it lost its home and i wanted to see if the water was alright for a invert to live in. Well... he didnt die of the water lol I saw him going to the mantis's cave but thought it would be cool to see what happend, in a split seccond the crabs was missing the left side of its body and was draged in the hole, i actually heard the sound of it hiting it. it was great :)
Then you certainly have a smasher not a piercer. Rather expensive meal if your crab was killed in such a way. Porcelain crabs are gorgeous creatures and i would love one myself but they are hard to get hold of over here.

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