Mastacembelus Zebrinus


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I was wondering if you guys have any info on Mastacembelus zebrinus... I can't find anything on them, especially because the search funtion isn't working at the moment and I'm not patient. :rolleyes: I'm especially wondering about tank size, and compatibility with fish. Thanks. :)
There isn't too much on keeping them in tanks there... :unsure:
I've got one!

I keep him in a 4ft (145l) tank with plenty of hiding places and plants. I have a shoal of juvenile Bosemani Rainbows, some Plecs and a Half Banded Eel in with him. The two eels despite being different do hang out together happily.

I have found he (both eels really) only eat live or frozen food, blood worm is favourite. They will not entertain pellets of flake (they have taken the odd mouthful and spat it out in disgust)

One word of warning though, I did have 2 Zebra Spiney Eels, the other one committed suicide by escaping from the tank so make sure all holes are covered and keep a close eye when you lift the lid!

Other than that, the eels are a lovely, unusual addition to the tank, very visible and both of my two will eat from hand now. The Half Band comes to say hello whenever my other half puts his hand in front of the tank! Lovely fish.

(mine are only small, about 12cm so no problems withthem eating other fish but I am sure they would eat small fish if they could! they have eaten krib fry...)
ah i was thinking of writing an index for zebra eels (like months ago) but i've yet to do it. :lol: i believe their care is very much like the other spiney eels for instance peacocks. all the do's and don't do's for spiney eels should also apply to the zebra eel so you might wanna check out the info on them
From what I've heard it's 20 gallons and it's best to have at least 2 since there social animals.
From what I've heard it's 20 gallons and it's best to have at least 2 since there social animals.
i wouldnt use a 20g. its by any means too tiny to keep one in for long. unless its only used as a grow-out tank. i'd go for around 40-50g
If 40 to 50 is recommended i wouldnt even consider 20Gall at all. I think you would look at 30 as minimum.
To what size could I keep in in a 29g and about how long would it take to reach that size?
I was looking into getting one about a year back, and 20g has always been recommended to me as the absolute minimum. Then again, I've never kept one, I wouldn't know how active they are.
yeah a 29g would probably be the absolute minimum. i dont know about what cfc said but imo something of a potential of 18" shouldnt be kept in a 20g. what you'd be looking at is around 8" or maybe 10" for one in captivity and i wouldnt say that growth rate would be fast

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