Massive Crisis!


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Tank size: 12UK gallon
pH: 8.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 40
kH: na - but i think a bit on the hard side
gH: na
tank temp: 25oC

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

All my fish are dying unexplainably - sort of. Did have finrot, but that cleared up and after 5 or so water changes (no carbon in the tank) they succumbed to whitespot. They all look relatovely ok with regards to this except the female betta who is most affected but i did catch it quite early: many have 1 or 2 spots, betta has approx 10. this betta also has clamped fins and often displays the ill horizontal stripes. Both the betta and a gourami are staying at the top barely moving AT ALL or nose down in the corner for hours only to move again at some time. I can only think this is a lack of oxygen - the ones with labyrinth organs are taking in water all the time, those that don't just suffocate and ie suddenly. I don't see how though as it is a rectangular aquarium with 6 largish plants and a big bubble thing on full. and the medicine has only been in there for whitespot for 2 days. At the moment thugh a fish dies every day

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 2 weeks ago i did them daily for the finrot but now weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: plant gro, anti hair algae, finrot (a while ago) medicine and whitespot medicine.

Tank inhabitants: of what is left:
7 platies
2 caes
1 female betta
1 female gourami
4 guppies

al young ones

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): the platies - but they were all dying before their or the whitespots medicine addition - they just continued the trend

The water seems pretty perfect, all the fish get on, yet everything is dying! whats going on, please help
Your tanks overstocked for a 12 gallon.
Have you increased aeration with tthe whitespot med as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.
Finrot is common on top of whitespot if there no fin nipping going off in the tank.
The chinese algae eaters will be aggressive bad choice of bottom feeders, plus the tanks to small for them.
yes the aeration was increased with the air stone. but surely 6 plants and some water movement would be enough anyway. The gourami died yesterday btw. The caes are fine atm, in 6 months im getting a 25 gallon tank at my new house so they will go there. Any idea what is causing these deaths?

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