Mass Algea Problem...


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Alright, so I've got a 29gallon nano saltwater tank, it's a fish and live rock only tank (until I save the $300 for the lighting upgrade), the problem I've been having is that I am constently having algea break outs. I went to the specialty saltwater store by my house (SeaUMarine) and the guy told me to cut back on my lighting, which I currently have on for 10-12hours a day, I've cut it down to about 6 hours at the most per day now. He recommened snails for the tank and told me the general rule of thumb for snails is 1 for every 3 gallons. So 9 would do, but I could stretch it and fit in 10 possibly, is there anything else other than snails, constant scrubbing of the algea and cutting back on the lighting that I can do?

PS, the algea is just normal green algea.
What's your nitrate/phosphate levels like? They're big algae nutrients so if you can get them as low as possible, you can help to "starve" the algae of it's nutrients.
Are you using any phosphate remover? Rowaphos? sounds like the problem.
Tanks been running for about 4-5 months now. I'm not using any phosphate removers, thanks for that tip, I'll pick some up from work tomorrow. Does anybody know if the Phosphate remoing pillow things work? I think they're called phosphX, not 100% though.
rowaphos and phosban are considered the best. I use phosban with good results.
You could also build a small sump and pack it with macro algae, e.g. caulerpa
It's only a 29gallon tank, so the sump won't work with the stand I have, already looked into it lol, Phosban or rowaphos huh, I'll take a look when I go into work tonight, has anybody used the phosphate remover in the pillow form? or is it better to use a liquid?
A sump may not be feasible, but a refugium would. They have refugiums on the market that hang on the back of the tank. Or you could fabricate your own. They aren't too hard to make.
I have roughly the same sized tank as yours ~120 liter. I have a small 12 liter aquarium as a refugium, by way of a syphon off the main tank, and returned via a canister filter. I packed the ref. with lots of macro algae, and in about a week, my nitrates basically halved, from about 40-50ppm to around 20-30ppm
As far as phosphate remover goes, I'm using Rowaphos. It comes with a little bag that you can put the crystals into, then put this into your canister filter, or leave it in your refugium.
Rowaphos works really good.I would get a phosban reactor and put the rowaphos into it. You can set the output too 0ppm.
How exactly would I go about making a refugium?

Cheat :). Get a larger HOB filter, remove the media in it, and replace that with chaetomorpha algae. Then get some type of clamp on lighting for it and you're set.

I'm gonna offer 2 more short-term solutions here. While removing phosphates with refugiums or rowaphos/phosban needs to be your long-term goals, you can do something in the short term. Turn your lights off for 3 days and don't feed the fish. If the tank gets direct natural sunlight from a window next to it, cover that side with a blanket/towel but otherwise just keep the aquarium's light off for 3 days. Sounds crazy but it'll kill off all your algae and higher animals like fish, shrimp, and corals are unharmed.
out of curiousity, what sort of stocking level do you have? That, over-feeding and lack of water changes are big factors when it comes to increased nitrate/phosphate, as you probably already know.

Also, why not have macroalgaes in the display tank? I'm no expert but I use plants in my freshwater tanks to purify the water, keeping them algae free so I'm hoping to use macro's in my marine tank to do the same job.

yes you could have macro algae in your display as well, you get the added benefit of a higher pod population in your tank with it as well.

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