Martha Stewart advertised...

I've shopped through Drs. Foster & Smith before and been impressed with their knowledge and products. Reading this, I like them even more. What a nice, informative and educational piece on betta care. I'm not surprised about Martha Stewart advocating betta vases. :no:
Haiku said:
I'm not surprised about Martha Stewart advocating betta vases. :no:
Keeping bettas in vases was a fad, and Martha Stewart has made a lot of money by promoting popular, "in" things.

However, since her recent stint behind bars, she might well have second thoughts on this one! :lol:

Mod's Note:

I just want you to know that I will be watching this thread. If it becomes a thoughtful discussion on betta vases, all will be well.

On the other hand, if it becomes a "Let's All Bash Martha" thread, it will be locked.
Wow, what an awesome article on betta care ^^

As for Martha Stewart, is anyone surprised? Anyone at all? She'd probably advicate bonsai kittens (if they were real, lol) if it made your house look a little nicer.

edit: oops, we're not supposed to just bash martha. heh.

Anyways, I think its wonderful that a website like that is finally giving information how bettas should be kept. I never understood how with most animals, it is generally accepted that the most ideal conditions should be met for the best care, yet with bettas, the most menial conditions are thought to be suitible. I always use the example of keeping a dog on a 3 foot chain in your back yard. Yes, a dog can live like this, and for many years at that. But should it live like that? It will probably survive the hot and cold weather, like a betta will "survive" in a 68 degree home. It will probably live through standing in its own feces, like bettas will live through poor water conditions. And it won't die without places to strech its legs and run and play, just like a betta will survive in a jar so tiny it can barely turn around. But this is poor animal husbandry. We've accepted it as such with dogs, and we need to start accepting it as such with bettas. ::applauds the article:: :clap:

As perhaps a more thoughtful, less bashing comment on Martha, I would like to point out that her promoting these vases as decorations on her show shows something about a general public attitude right now that I feel is wholly responsible for how bettas are being mistreated: most people don't see fish as living things, they see them as a decoration. How many people don't bother to name their fish as they would other pets? How many people wouldn't cry if their fish died. How many people will keep an aquarium with no real knowledge of if the fish have enough space, if they're content, if the water quality is decent, etc. just because it looks nice in their livingroom and its no biggie if the fish die, for there are always more to be bought? The people on this forum are an exception; they love fish for who and what they are. But to most people, they're just another price of furniture, or painting, or vase of flowers. It is THIS kind of attitude that really needs to stop if we're to see the suffering of bettas - or any other fish - end.
RandomW, you are such an eloquent writer. I continue to be amazed, impressed, and in full agreement with all your observations. I think I'm going to start ordering more of my supplies through Drs. F&S. They have a really nice line of products, reasonable prices, excellent delivery, and very ethical and educated stances on animal care. :) That is the type of organization I want to give my business to. I've ordered things for my dogs from them but I hadn't ordered things for my other pets yet.
Not so much Martha, but this company. I haven't found a bad thing about them yet.

I, too, really enjoyed that article....and it takes guts, I think, to mention a billionairess in the article in sort of a negative light.

I have received this catalog for years.......they are just so awesome....some of their prices are a tad higher than other places, but their information is priceless!
Yeah, but they say right in that article that Martha pushed the vases on her show, right? That's' what I'm gonna rip on her about. I despise Martha. She makes people like me who were not born with the ability to cook or clean look bad.


ps - i'm at home sick today so if you've emailed me @ work, I'm not ignoring you - I just haven't gotten it :)
Yeah BettaMomma, she does make us look bad....I always thought it wasn't possible for she and I to share the same sex! I flunked home ec...I couldn't even sew a stupid bag with a drawstring...I hate to cook, I do clean....but I'm not one of those crafty, sewing types. I'm actually not even very friendly...LOL

Anyway, just started teaching my son how to cook the other day....I taught him how to use a can opener! :whistle:

I'm hopeless....

(oh, yes, I did Email you this AM....hope you get to feeling better!)
I do make scrapbooks - ALOT - but as far as the cooking and cleaning, the pizza delivery places see our number on the caller id and pick up the phone and say "the usual, Jennifer?"

and cleaning is just NO fun, unless it's cleaning fishy tanks. I don't mind that at all!

I like Martha, she's probably just uninformed, that's all. She could probably make an awesome rice paddy for bettas if she wanted :hyper:

Wonderful article :thumbs:
I don't like Martha....but am sure, too, that she was just uninformed.....I don't even know how long ago this was.....there's a betta vase at my hubby's chiropractor's office.....or was last time I I really think maybe people just don't know.....

I did find a Betta Sphere on the F&S website.......they seem pretty darn much room is a liter vs. a gallon? Believe it said it held about a liter. My sister in law has these spheres all over her house.........but she's also one who knows everything so can't tell her nuthin. I've tried.......
wuvmybetta said:
I like Martha. She could probably make an awesome rice paddy for bettas if she wanted :
:lol: :rofl: I bet she could too..and it'd be a darn good one too.

She's just like everyone else out there..she's trying to make a living doing what she knows best. :dunno:

If people like her didn't wouldn't have frozen food or any other of your ho-ho's, twinkies, or canoli...just remember that. ;) lol

She has her place, like everyone else around here does. When you are brought up not knowing about bettas, or keeping bettas (like we obviously like to research) you aren't gonna realize that it's wrong to keep them in those vases....since they are readily sold like that. the general population doesn't realize the consequences of it, most people don't have a clue on how to keep fish in the first place. We eat fish on a daily basis, so they aren't revered with the same respect as a dog or cat...not right, but that's one of the top reasons they get the shaft most of the time.

Want to inform her...send her a letter.

I'm sorry, but that woman has worked her buns off to get where she is..she wasn't just born into her situation...I respect any woman who makes it as far as she this man's world. :alien:
On the other hand, if it becomes a "Let's All Bash Martha" thread, it will be locked.
Geesh...your ruining all my fun! :p
Whats wrong with bashing Martha? She's the pefect target...MAWHAHAHAHA.

Oh, yes, vase's are EVIL. Wait...actually I have one! But its no plant-in-the-vase-lets-starve-and-sufficate-the-betta kinda vase. Its a nice 1 gallon vase with river rocks on the bottom and a piece of twirly bambo. I covered the top with plastic canvas so Dragon (sky blue/red CT) doesn't jump out and become a shriveled up betta :crazy:

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