Martha puffed!!!


Fish Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
We got it on camera this time!! And she was fully puffed! We were a little late putting her light on this morning and she made sure we realised!!

Are you ready for it?


(big thanks to emo for the cleaned-up image)
Barday said:
What's the scale of that? how big is she fully puffed?
She's 10 inches long, but there wasn't time to measure her belly when she puffed!

Suffice to say, pretty damn huge.

Martha is awsome! :flex:

great shot Minions

Phantom Thief said:
Isn't puffing bad for a puffer?

That's a cool pic, but i hope it's ok -_-

Puffing is usually a stress-related behaviour, but puffers are known to "practice" on occasion. In this instance, Martha wanted her light put on so puffed to get our attention. Once she knew we were looking she deflated almost instantly and happily buried herself back in the sand.

Several puffer-keepers have mentioned how their puffers inflate to get their attention. As long as one does not attempt to get the puffer to inflate by force, it isn't a problem.
:hyper: WOW That is awesome!!! Cool shot, and pretty good timing I'd say!! :lol:
rvm said:
:hyper: WOW That is awesome!!! Cool shot, and pretty good timing I'd say!! :lol:
Yup, SirMinion grabbed the camera which fortunately was right next to him and snapped away! Although when I went to upload the pics I had the sudden horrible thought that he'd forgotten to take the lens cap off! :crazy:

It was also lucky the pics were in focus. Sir didn't bother adjusting the settings becase it all happened so fast. I do wish we'd taken some snaps of her deflating though....
Stunning picture and great timing with the camera!!
Oh my gosh! :blink: I keep staring at that picture, and I can't believe my eyes! That's incredible!!!

I'm glad that she was only practicing and that it isn't harmful to her! I never knew they "practiced" puffing! She has to be one of the coolest fish I've ever seen. :)

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