Marks On Syno Cats


Knowledge talks while wisdom listens.
Aug 17, 2006
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I noticed one of my little lace cats has like a white mark on his side and I noticed tonight that a different one had a mark on the face and side... They are white marks that kind of look like cuts. Could this be a disease or do you think it is cuts from fish attacks or from rubbing on rocks? What do I do?
My syno used to get these quite alot and i was very worried until i discovered that they were heater burns :) .

They heal pretty fast unless they get infected, in which case just use some melafix to help hem heal.

Your definitely going to want to buy a heater guard or at least move the heater so the synos can get to it, they have a tendency to hover on it for ages until they get burnt :rolleyes: .
mine has several.they get them from my rocks and other decor.they usually occur when they make a explosive run from on side to the other.they heal fast and should be fine.they dont really seem to bother him
Some synos will bicker with their own kind too. Worth watching if you have a group in there. Sometimes a big fight can break out someone will get hurt. I had to remove one of mine last year to another tank after a fight broke out between two males. He came out rather scraped and bleeding. :X
He is perfectly fine I might add. Lives with my Decorus and Petricolas now. Good clean water is the best treatment for synos. :good:
Our syno gets them on his head when he has a fight with the bog wood cos one of his food pelets had gone underneath it, its nothing to worry about just keep a close eye on him for any signs of fungus

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