Marine vs Freshwater ...more questions!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Bedford, UK
Thankyou so much to all that replied to our last post, I think I also posted this question in reply to my last post - oops! We are finding it so helpful.

We have decided that freshwater is definately the way to go.

We loved the suggestions on the fish to have, the number to have in our tank size is something we may need help with also. We have aRio 125l, 81 x 36 x 50cm, 2 x 18W tank.

We have been looking at some freshwater fish and there a a few we particularly like...

Siamese Fighting Fish - We have read you can only have one male???
Honey Gourami FIsh
Dwarf Gourami
Kissing Gourami

The aquatics centre where we got our tank, advised on 6 zebra tetras to start with then add other fish gradually?? Why would this be advised??

Could you advise on whether

1) The fish we have seen are suitable and if so how many should we get.


2) Would the list of Fish posted in reply to my first question be better?

Thankyou again!
Zebra tetras? Did they maybe mean Zebra Danios?
I am guessing they advised those first to use to cycle your tank because they're very hardy. Problem being, however -- if they survive the cycling process (which they probably will, zebras are quite hardy), you'll be stuck with fish you don't necessarily want. And from personal experience I can tell you those are FAST fish and very hard to net and get out of your tank LOL.

The other alternative would be fishless cycling. Try the search option on the forum -- I know there's lots of posts about it. :) It's much more humane for the fish, and you're not stuck with fish you don't want either. (And now that I'm thinking about it, because you want gouramis, I'd avoid zebra danios -- they swim so fast and are constantly active, and can stress out the slower moving gouramis.)

You're correct that only 1 male betta can be kept in a tank -- and because bettas and gourami are related, don't mix them either. In other words, if you get a betta you're limited to no other gourami or bettas in the tank. You also would have to avoid any other fish that would potentially nip their long fins. Personally I think bettas should be kept in tanks alone (maybe with a snail or 2) but people feel differently about that.

As far as gouramis -- I have honey gouramis and LOVE LOVE LOVE them! I've found them to be very peaceful and fun to watch. Dwarf gouramis sometimes are a bit more agressive, but also very nice. Unfortunately I don't know much about kissing gouramis, but I believe they do get quite a bit larger than the other two types you mentioned. Perhaps check out the gourami section of the forum for more info on those :)

[EDIT] Here's the link to the fishless cycling info:

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