Marine Topic Of The Week, 04/27-05/04/07


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY

No cocktail sauce here. Shrimp in a nano reef are good cleaners and fun to keep. Some are active while others keep a low profile. Another wonderful thing about these creaturess is that they add such a low bioload, you can add a few. General recommendatiosn are 1-3 per tank. Anyway, here are a few friendly ones.

Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (scarlet cleaner shrimp), Lysmata amboinensis

This wonderful shrimp is red with a white stripe and white dots near the tail. One of the interesting aspects of these inverts is that they can help to rid your fish of parasites. A skunk cleaner will set up a 'cleaning station'. They can actually pick ich off your fish. In a healthy tank though, you probably won't see much of this. They do not tolerate high levels of nitrates. Depending on what you keep in your tank, this shrimp is active, fun to watch and will eat out of your hand. It will molt and you may mistake it as being eaten. They will hide until their shell hardens.



Blood Shrimp (Fire shrimp), Lysmata debelius

I find this one to be a bit pricey at the lfs but it's bright red color is eye-catching. It may not get along well with others of it's kind unless it's a mate. The blood shrimp prefers caves and overhangs away from the light. These may clean fish also and will clean up some leftover food. Does not tolerate high nitrates.


Peppermint Shrimp (Veined Shrimp), Lysmata wurdemanni

Peppermint shrimp have the desirable reputation of munching on aiptasia (glass) anemones, unwanted hitchhikers in our nano reefs. They are good in groups and you can keep several in a tank.


These are probably the three most common shrimp you'll find at your lfs. Other shrimp you can consider include camel shrimp and sexy shrimp.

P.O.I. : Look up the symbiosis of a pistol shrimp and certain goby fish, eg, the yashia haze goby and Randall's banded pistol shrimp. It can be an interesting combo for the tank although not specifically for cleanup.


Coral banded shrimp or boxing shrimp, Stenopus hispidus: Just be aware that this shrimp DOES have the ability to corner fish, small crustaceans and other shrimp, especially at night. I don't recommend keeping one in a nano tank.

Camel Shrimp

Commonly mistaken for Peppermint shimp. This shrimp has tall "scissors" extended from its head that can move independently also known as its beak. This shrimp is highly cautioned with reef aquariums as it is known for coral nipping. This shrimp is not pricey at all, as a matter of fact, is the cheapest to purchase. The common size is between 3/4ths inch to 2 inches at max. This shrimp is communal with others of its kind.

Of everything in my tank, i think my Skunk shrimp adds the most character. Definitely recommended.
Something to consider is that Lysmata, especially L. amboinensis and L. grabhami, usually do very well regarding feeding in aquaria, often to the point of becoming hyper-efficient scavengers. If you own a nano tank and want to keep these animals, remember to give a little extra food to make sure your sand-dwellers and shy fish get enough to eat.

Peppermint Shrimp (Veined Shrimp), Lysmata wurdemanni

Peppermint shrimp have the desirable reputation of munching on aiptasia (glass) anemones, unwanted hitchhikers in our nano reefs. They are good in groups and you can keep several in a tank.
These shrimp, oddly enough, do in fact usually include small, stinging cnidarians on their menu. Just remember that they often do not discriminate between aiptasia and other small cnidarians, such as zoas and xenia.


Coral banded shrimp or boxing shrimp, Stenopus hispidus: Just be aware that this shrimp DOES have the ability to corner fish, small crustaceans and other shrimp, especially at night. I don't recommend keeping one in a nano tank.
I honestly have no actual, verified reports of this happening. At any rate, it is an extremely rare occurance and Stenopus are usually peaceful (but not toward their own kind, and are often territorial towards other shrimp) and may even clean fish as in the wild, it is a cleaner. I have only seen this cleaning behaviour happen once (in my tank) in aquaria.

Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus) have a great predatory capability and can 'blast sound' in an extremely focussed "shockwave". This shockwave is reportedly capable of killing crustaceans a ways away from the pistol shrimp, which the pistol shrimp then consumes. I am not aware of the likelihood of this occuring in aquaria.

I had a Coral Banded Shrimp and it was keeping the best spot of the tank clean of fish because it was waving it's claws at them. I bought two cleaner shrimp and now I never see them. they hang out in the back. I bought two pepermint shrimp to eat the aptasia, but they haven't eaten it and they also hang out in the back and I never see them.

My experience

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