Marine Tank


Neptune, god of the Sea
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi. I'm new to this part of the forum, as I have no marine tank. Despite this, I am very interested and I really want one. I know that invertebrates are very sensitive and hard to keep alive for a beginner and so I want to start with a fish-only tank. Kind of low on space at the moment, so I was thinking of trying a 12 gallon nano-cube with just a couple of fish. How would a mandarin fish and a rowal gramma do in there? Would it work? What else would I need? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know that nano-cubes are not for beginners, but isn't that the case only if you have invertebrates like live rock and anemones? All I want is fish.
I know they say never say never, but if you mean a Mandarin Goby..can't do it in a 12 gal. A 75 gallon is often the most recommended minimum for a Mandarin. And only then in a very mature tank.

And the Grammas like to have the hidey holes that rock provides.

But being a reef man myself, I can't really give you a good idea on a fish only 12 gallon. Perhaps someone else will chime in for you.

for a fish only 12 gal.,you dont have too many options, as a 12 gallon
is only big enough for maybe one or two fish, providing they are small
species. something you could try is maybe still getting the gramma,(make
sure you have some rocks in there for hiding spots)and a scarlet or
banded coral shrimp, or a couple of small hermit crabs. but as great lakes
said, a mandarin is only for fully mature systems with lots of live rock.
Oh yeah cause they eat the tiny invertebrates that live on the rock right? Forgot about that :*) I'm thinking of abandoning the whole nano-cube idea and going for a full out fish-only tank (much bigger).
that maybe one option that may be better for you.
if you do decide to go with a regular fish only tank, I
would suggest getting at least a 50 gallon tank, as the
bigger the tank, the more room for error you have, and
also, once you are established with keeping marine fish,
you will no doubt want to expand.

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