Fish Fanatic
Hi all, thought i better post an update. Okay i said i had all the equipment i needed i was nearly right!!!!!!! when i bought my tank i told the supplier i needed enough salt for 100gal of water to make a salinity around 1.024......he sold me 3kilos of salt and said that will do fine , got home set everything up spent 4 days filling tank and sump using D/I water added salt and mixed until dissolved, brought temp upto 26c and tested SG 1.014 how dissapointed, anyway sent the guy an e-mail asking as it was his advice i was following etc would he give me the salt i needed and asked for. The reply "Sorry sold out of instant ocean on Sunday" . Since then i have managed to allow 2" of water to cover the dining room floor through not paying attention to my skimmer cup(lesson learned), so now i am awaiting a new skimmer and getting live rock on Wednesday, along with some ocean rock. Here is a pic of what i have so far, cabinet still to be put in place when im satisfied everything is running as i want.