Marine tank Skimmer


New Member
Mar 3, 2005
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Surrey UK
I am looking after a marine tank for some people while they are on holiday, just been round an d the skimmer has stopped working, the water container at the back of the tank is still gurgling but there is no water flowing through it.

Is this a common problem or is it really urgent??

Thank you for answering, I spoke with the owners and all working again now!
If you wouldn't mind posting details about this problem and how it was solved, it could help others in the future. 5 minutes to type your experince up and you could save 10 people some trouble.

Thanks in advance!
Of course!

The water had stopped flowing through the skimmer but the overhang container/resevoir at the back of the tank was still gurgling with a low level of water in it.

It turned out that the water level in the tank had dropped so much that the skimmer was taking in air. I topped up the water level but there was still air in the skimmer so it wasn't taking in water. I am not sure if all skimmers have the same components but on this particular one there is a flexible rubber tube linking the box that holds the black muck and the water intake tube.

I pinched this tube shut to create a vacume and the water slowly went up the clear plastic tube and down into the resevoir at the back and hey presto it was running again!!

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