Marine Tank- List Of Items I'll Need?


New Member
Nov 22, 2011
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Hi all I'm planning on getting a marine tank within the next 6 months and I'd like to start sourcing the equipment.. Can someone do me a list f everything I'll need and a recommended brand/model etc for each item... Thanks in advance!
Im looking for a 2ft ish one...

Also when recommending a brand/model for the parts please bare in mind I don't want to spend a fortune so please recommend a reasonably priced model for the parts (if possible).... I do understand its an expensive thing to have and I'm prepared to spend what I NEED to spend so keep price in mind guys
Im looking for a 2ft ish one...

Also when recommending a brand/model for the parts please bare in mind I don't want to spend a fortune so please recommend a reasonably priced model for the parts (if possible).... I do understand its an expensive thing to have and I'm prepared to spend what I NEED to spend so keep price in mind guys

I think this needs to be moved to the right section. Welcome to the salty side. If you check out the article in my signature "So you want a SW tank?", you'll see a list of things that you'll need.


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