Marine Tank Check


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
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Hi everyone, can anyone check this list over, I have recently purchased the contents of someone elses tank via ebay, and they were al living peacefully (apparently), but some might be quite hostile. Already in the tank were several hermit crabs, and a cleaner shrimp, and here's the list...

1 Boxing Crab

1 Sailfin Tang

1 Twin Spot Wrasse (Looked up quick as he looked ill, and already considering donating to my local fish shop, he'll grow too big for my tank)

1 Strawberry Fish

3 Yellow Tail Blue Damsels

2 Maroon Clownfish

3 Humbug Damsels

1 Domino Damsel

1 Caribbean Blue Damsel

and 1 Midas Goby

Any advice?
wow thats a lot of fish. how big is the tank? and are the damsels playing nice?
Sailfin Tangs and Twinspot Wrasse both grow to immense dimensions. The Sailfin Tang can max out at around 15'', but the Wrasse is reputed to grow to a massive and truly tankbusting 4' ! They will soon loose their pleasing juvenile colours and turning into a monster resembling the Napoleon or Humphead Wrasse. I see you realize that though; :good: Eating him is another acceptable solution, though there is a risk of Ciguatera when eating any reef fish. Also a pet doesn't really belong on the dinner table. :hyper:

How large is the tank you are receiving? There may be some other issues if it is not quite large. Maybe show us the listing?

SkiFletch-- The damsels are looking fine, they're quite small at the moment, they're not challenging any other fish. And the tank is about 100 gallons.

Lynden-- I'd already had the tank before xmas, and I've been preparing it since. Also, thanks for the tip about the Wrasse and the tang, although I think I've just lost my appetite.

Here's the listing, if you're interested: eBay Listing

I didn't list the corals, as I didn't really expect them to be dangerous, although I think I was mistaken.

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Update: Grabbed my camera, and took a few photos. Most of them were rubbish, focus and flash, and all that, but these are the best. The tank, and the tang.


You may notice that the live rock is all over the place, I'm just keeping it alive for the time being.


You can obviously see the tang in this photo, but if you look in the top right you can see the head of the wrasse, and in the background there is our largest damsel.
Well as you know the twinspot needs to go as it will get too big. Other than that, the only reservations I have are that the maroons and the damsels may display overly aggressive tendencies, but in a tank that big you should be OK. Just keep an eye on everybody as they settle in. Nice lookin tank though :D

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