marine sand

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Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
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my basement
im tinking of using marine sand in my 75 is it okay it will be housing a mating pair of o's without the fry(only 3''and 4''now)how many pounds would it need to be and is there any other sand that has grains this big ` oh and can i keep silver dollars with them
If you mean the crushed coral sand used in marine tanks, then that is not really suitable for freshwater tanks, with the possible exception of African Rift tanks. The stuff is CaCO3 and will raise both your pH and hardness.

If it fizzes when you put some vinegar on it, don't use it.
I don't know where oscars come from originally but I don't think they are African Rift cichlids. Marine sand would make the water's pH and hardness go sky high and most fish can not survive in that type of environment.
Why don't you use fine kids play sand? I'm pretty sure that's ok :thumbs:
Actually with oscars.. oscars right?
I would put in some nice looking pieces of wood. some fake or tough potted plants. No substrate at all. Oscar poo is enormous.
I would get a great prefilter method before letting water into the biofilter.

I would do oscar only. or perhaps with a pleco... but thats just more poo.
i know they are male/female can i use another kind of sand sides playsand like sand `big is there any other kind of sand like
i dont wanna use playsand is pool filter sand white and does it pack down and will it get sucked up by the filter or syphon
i have a trick that i will only tell people who want to breed o's

how many pounds will i need to be put in a 75 long 4' long 2' wide
but im tellin' ya i can see what others cant i know when they are male and female just like magma & comett magma:male comett:female

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