marine plants


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio
i am wanting to add some live plants to my reef tank/ sump. In my sump I have two different types of culerpa and some halimeda. In the main tank I have several things growing but do not know what they are. In two places I have growth that almost looks like astro-turf.

anyway I was wondering what are some good plants for a reef tank if any? I like the kelp on a rock look, but not sure what it takes to care for it. have to be careful about putting certain types of 'macroalgae' in your main tank (depending on how big your tank is of course). Certain types can grow quickly and overrun it....'rhizomes' can grow into the LR. In the refugium, most are fine and can help with nutrient export. I know many people use caulerpa, but, I'm uncomfortable with that one because is can go 'asexual' sort of explodes and lets out thousands of spores that can seed the tank. Some of the more popular ones:

1) Halimeda...relativelly slow growing, has a high calcium requirement as it incorporates calcium in it's 'leaves'

2) Chaetomorpha (spaghetti algae)--very common in refugiums, however, can foul pumps

3) Caulerpa--good nutrient exporter but can go 'asexual'

4) Others include shaving brush (penicillus), maiden's hair

what about anything like red grape or kelp on a rock? i bought two shaving brush plants today, and a sea fern. but I liked the looks of the red grape and the kelp on a rock plant as well
I believe red grape can take over a tank. Not sure about kelp..but...I think it can grow extremely large. SH

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