marine pellets


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi all. Long time since I have posted here, so much has happened. Out of my three male bettas I now have one alive. Of course my favorite one thank goodness (my avatar). I had them in a 5 gal with dividers, seen this and just had to do it. I new that it might not work and sure enough it did not. I am a firm believer that bettas will do much better when put into a community tank with other fish. I have done this over and over for the past 20 years of my fish keeping and breeding. My male "Jazz" is doing just great in my 25 gal with my angel fish and my discus fish. They all get along and the colors are quite nice too.

Although he will not eat the flakes I feed my regular fish I spot feed him his pellets and blood worms the odd time. I have found that he really likes the marine pellets, they are very small half the cost of the hikari which I absolutley love and there is a bigger container of them. The ingredients are quite similar as marine fish need a high protein diet with some veg diet too. So when I go to buy fish for my marine tank I make sure to get a big enough can for my betta as well. He does not need much but sure likes these pellets.

Just thought I would share this about the food with you all.

bugsy :)
all of my freshwater fish get formula one pellets on occasion :)

i am a firm believer that bettas do not do well in community tanks ;)
I totally disagree. I have had mine live longer in my community tank. I am very careful what other fish I put in there with my betta(s). But hey, this is what works for me.... :kana:

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