Marine Keeping In Canada

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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well, some of you know we're contemplating emigrating to canada in a couple of years, just at the fact finding stage at the moment really.

we're planning a trip over in october for a couple of weeks and if we like it we'll start planning properly.

we're looking at ontario, want to be commuting distance from toronto, our ideal location so far is orangeville although we've by no means made up our minds, it just looks/sounds nice.

sad thing would be we'd have to close down all our tanks and sell everything, but at least we can then start from scratch bigger and better than before :hey: :D

soooo those of you from that part of the world, can you give me an idea on the following things

- good fish shops in that area
- rough idea of prices for fish, inverts, equipment etc.... i know it can vary but if you can give a few examples of 'average' (hate using that word) fish, corals etc and we can then compare and get a rough idea of prices to set up a tank over there
- import/exports and what's allowed, I know some countries are strict about what you can/can't get, is canada like that? are we going to struggle to set up either marine or freshwater tanks because of it

of course all these downsides will be offset by the fact we'd be only a couple of hrs away from Ski so we'd just be going and robbing his tank blind ;) :D
Robbing my tank blind? :blink: :rolleyes:

I can't speak directly for prices on equipment but from what I gather on hardware, its about 20% more expensive in canadian dollars than it is here in the states. Livestock, I've got no clue :blush:. I do know that the Canadians as far as regulatory imports go are almoast the same as we are in the states. Pretty strict on LR, but not very strict on corals/inverts/fish. There are some australian corals that are tough to get there (like duncanopsamnia, or cataphyllia), and its really tough to find acanthestrea and micromussa.

And I can tell you that there is a REALLY big reef scene and local clubs in the Toronto area. So finding help and used equipment/LR/frags will not be difficult :)
excellent, sounds good to me :good:

can you tell us some shops in/around toronto and we'll check them out while were visiting
Oh, and one word of caution. Don't try to compare Deltec (or Aquamedic or other UK products) prices in GBP versus CAN$ since the import costs are HUGE over here. We use our own western-hempisphere hardware ;).
Lemme be the first to welcome you to ontario (lol not yet but when you come WELCOME :D) if you go to a place called Newmarket be sure to check out Big Als aquariums... Or Scarbrough, there's a Big Als there aswell :good: aswell as a place called AquaPets, and Super Pet... (super pet... not that great of a selection... but friendly staff) Gotta say, if your planning on coming to Markham, come on down to Petsmart at highway 7 and woodbine
Oh, and one word of caution. Don't try to compare Deltec (or Aquamedic or other UK products) prices in GBP versus CAN$ since the import costs are HUGE over here. We use our own western-hempisphere hardware ;).

ok, i'll have as nosey at some brands you guys use then

Lemme be the first to welcome you to ontario (lol not yet but when you come WELCOME :D) if you go to a place called Newmarket be sure to check out Big Als aquariums... Or Scarbrough, there's a Big Als there aswell :good: aswell as a place called AquaPets, and Super Pet... (super pet... not that great of a selection... but friendly staff) Gotta say, if your planning on coming to Markham, come on down to Petsmart at highway 7 and woodbine

thankyou :D

i'll have a look at those places

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