Marine fish


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
If this needs to be moved to the saltwater section, that's fine.

I have always heard that all saltwater/marine fish come straight from their natural habitats. Is that true? Can't saltwater fish breed in captivity?
Lots are bred in captivity, most common clowns you see in the shops for instance. There are alot that still come from the wild though.

Hi CatLover :)

That's a good question! :thumbs:

I'll move this thread to the marine section where you will probably get some more answers to it. :D
In my experience most saltwater fish are imported from their natural habitat, although increasingly captive breeding is taking place. I've seen captive bred clownfish, cardinals and some dottybacks for sale so far, although there are probably more species available.

As far as I know the main problem with breeding saltwater fish is that the lavae produced are very small, requiring high densities of very small food.
Thanks for all the responses! And thank ya, Inchworm :D
Is there a site somewhere with a list of the marine species that have been captive bred? That would be really helpful.

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